John Hong
Stanford, CA

I am an artisan of design and engineering at the junction of hardware and software. Guided by a human-centered approach, I solve challenges through a lens that places people at the heart of innovation.

Pharaoh’s Scream

Computer-Adided Manufacturing
February 2023
Stanford, CA
“Could a pharaoh have ever been ensnared alive within a sarcophagus?” is a thought that crossed my mind when I was brainstorming ideas for a whistle. After learning the mechanisms of Ancient Aztec death whistles, I combined the two ideas to design a whistle that echoes the cries of a confined pharaoh. I used Fusion360 (CAD & CAM), CNC machine (HaasV2), and brass for design and manufacturing.

Constraints and requirements for this project include a timeline of 3 weeks from ideation to manufacturing, and following the dimensional constraints of 2” x 1.5” x 1.5”.