John Hong
Stanford, CA

I am an artisan of design and engineering at the junction of hardware and software. Guided by a human-centered approach, I solve challenges through a lens that places people at the heart of innovation.

To You in 6000 Years

Computer-Adided Manufacturing
March 2023
Stanford, CA
In the time of Mesopotamia, people wore cylindrical seals on necklaces, rolling them on clay to display intricate engravings as their signatures.

Using Fusion360 (CAD & CAM), CNC machines (HaasV2 & HaasV2SS), and copper, I made my own to pay homage to Mesopotamians and future people who'll study this seal in 6000 years, much like I do today. The engravings are of my favorite place, Lake Louise, the aurora borealies, and the constellation canis major.

Constraints and requirement to this project include a timeline of 3 weeks for carrying this out from ideation to manufacturing alongside incorporating at least 2 part flips.